In 2010 Zbigniew Główka’s letter was received by the Katowice chapter of Institute of National Remembrance, Zbigniew Główka is the son of Marian Główka who was arrested during Intelligenzaktion in 1940 in Straconka and detained in various concentration camps till the end of the war. On 3rd September 2010 an investigation, based on the attached materials and the expertise of the historian of the local Commission, was initiated into a crime aimed at extermination of Polish intelligentsia in the Katowice Regierungsbezirk created by the occupation authorities. (…) Depraving people of freedom without any legal basis and making them slaves by putting them in concentration camps and forcing them to work in inhuman conditions constitute a crime against humanity, which in the penal code from 1997 exhausts the features of the article 123 § 2 kk i 124 kk. This crime also exhausts the features of the offence specified in the article 118 § 2 kk which means creating living conditions threatening biological extinction because the aim of the committed crimes, consisted in the depravation of freedom in concentration camps, was perpetrators’ action motivated each time by nationality reasons, which is due to the fact that crimes were committed only against Polish people in connection with such a nationality. – from the investigation files.
In 2014 the investigation was enabled.(…) in relation to some of the perpetrators, manager perpetrators, instigators and helpers – wobec stwierdzenia, iż postępowanie karne co do tego samego czynu tej samej osoby zostało prawomocnie zakończonej tj. na zasadzie art. 17 § 1 pkt 7 kpk, pkt 5 kpk, w stosunku do Emanuela Schäfera – wobec śmierci sprawcy tj. na zasadzie art. 17 § 1pkt 5 kpk, w stosunku do pozostałych sprawców – wobec ich niewykrycia tj. na zasadzie art. 322 § 1 kpk. – z Postanowienia o umorzeniu śledztwa prowadzonego przez prokurator Ewę Koj.
According to the evidence gathered for the purpose of the investigation arrests as a part of the Intelligenzaktion had a much wider range and the actual number of the victims can be about 5000 people. The research carried on by Jerzy Klistała led to establishing biographical notes of about 1500 arrested. The fate of 3500 people arrested and repressed by the Germans is unknown.